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Broadcast LED wall 100% free
of moiré patterns

Broadcast studios face a number of challenges when using LED video walls.

The biggest of them all - moiré patterns


High resolution LED video walls give many benefits in a broadcast enviroment -  low power consumption, great viewing angle, silent operation, vivid colors, high brightness, black level etc - but to be able to fully utilize them, moiré patterns needs to be removed


Display Systems and Silicon Core developed a new, innovative solution to this challenge, which - in effect - will be the foundation for the next generation broadcast studio


The solution: A high resolution LED video wall completely free of moiré patterns. A solution that represents a broadcasting milestone, paving the way for a number of new and unique possibilities:


- Moiré patterns completely removed


- Full flexibility on camera angles and positions


- Wide off axis viewing angles


- True to life colour match during live interviews


- No reflections from studio lights


- Enhanced black level and contrast


Display Systems and Silicon Core won the


Corporate and Industrial
Star Product Award


for the NRK Broadcast Studio project


This project utilized the new, high resolution LED video wall completely
free of moiré patterns

AV Awards 2015

Display Systems and Silicon Core won the


Broadcast/Media Project
of the year award


for the NRK Broadcast Studio project

Check out the astonishing effect of the patent pending anti moiré filter

Check out our videos

Installation of the world's first broadcast studio with anti moiré filter

Looking for a no-moiré LED videowall?

Contact us today for an informal chat about how we can help you get rid of moiré patterns ...

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